Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)

Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)

Nexus EC Sdn Bhdhave handled many erosion and sediment control plan for construction sites by utilizing the traditional and non-traditional components such as:

  • Silt fences
  • Silt traps
  • Earth drains check dam
  • Sediment basin

Understanding topography and the land use of the project had always been the key factor for Nexus EC Sdn Bhd to establish comprehensive erosion and sediment control plan. Nexus EC Sdn Bhd with its in-house certified personnel, were able to manage all the site effectively. Through comprehensive desk study for every stage from planning, detail design, and construction phase, we are able to approach and apply Best Management Practice (BMP) as recommended in MSMA2.

With active engagement during the construction stage, we are able to advise different methodology and solutions depending on site condition. We believe that we had to control the sediments and earthwork within the site and protect the environment.

We provide the ESCP services for:

  • EIA consultants
  • Earth Work Contractors
  • Developers
  • Inclusive of ESCP we also in-cooperate LDP2M2